• What is RepotLah!?Your voice towards a safer community.RepotLah is a mobile application that allows users to report non-emergency issues such as potholes, unethical drivers on the road (upload footage from your dashcam on traffic offenses and reckless driving), traffic light malfunctions, and more to create awareness among the community and create a safer society. • Why RepotLah! (Common problems for the Users)Complications on making a report. We’re here with the solutionComplexity in making a report, RepotLah simplifies the reporting process.The amount of time is taken to make a report • Why RepotLah! for Users?Submit your reports within 2 seconds to create awareness on issues that is faced by the society.Review and analyze the progress of your reportParticipate in our community and lend a hand in times of need• How does RepotLah! Works?Make an account with RepotLah and the rest is handled by usRepotLah will sort out your reports accordingly. RepotLah is a community app, THE MORE YOU REPORT THE MORE IT RESOLVE.